Recruitment handbook
Candidates For Hire Are Assessing You Too – Make A Good First Impression
When it comes to interviewing potential new hires, the business is under assessment just as much as the candidate. If you can’t make a good impression on potential hires, you’ll never end up attracting the right sort of people for your business. This is ever more relevant in the age of social media, where interviewees can – and will – give your company a rating online after every single interaction. Making a great first impression is key, will help you to attract new hires, and starts simply enough – with appearance.
HR must be aware of the complications of internal hiring to avoid redundancy
There has been a significant increase in UK companies hiring people internally since the pandemic started. In fact, according to LinkedIn, between April and August this year, internal hiring increased by 20% compared to the same time last year.
Employers Failing To Tackle Age Bias In Recruitment
Employers are failing to identify and tackle age bias in recruitment processes despite not viewing ageism as a problem in their organisation.
In a new report, the most common response from employers regarding olders workers was that they ‘have poor IT skills’ or look ‘worn-out.’
What Is The Staffing Function Of Human Resource Management?
Human resource management is put in place to ensure that people's needs are being met efficiently and adequately. The ability to have proper staffing in place offers the ability to invest in long-term relationships to ensure that you see exactly how an organization works. That will also let you find the fit that is the best for you and what you need.
Quick Progress Healthcare Staffing Agencies
In the backdrop of the ongoing pandemic, healthcare establishments such as hospitals and clinics have more than their fair share of troubles to deal with. If you are the owner or manager of a hospital, you have probably not had a day off in months.
Protect Your Top Talent From The Upcoming Hiring Storm
There’s a storm coming. High-quality talent is in short supply, and companies that can offer something “better” are coming to take your best employees.
Employee Data Can Create More Questions Than Answers
Gathering as much data as possible isn't the key to understanding an organisation's health, according to employee measurement and insights lead at BP Laura Hammett. Speaking at a London HR Connection event at the Cass Business School, Hammett said that collecting a mass of employee data can often create more questions than answers.
6 Steps For Learning How To Recruit The Best Talent
The key is selling potential employees on the benefits of working with you. This makes recruiting almost a marketing effort, and in truth, the best recruiting techniques have their roots in the most effective marketing tactics. Here's how to recruit the best of the best in a job market that favors the candidate.
The Four Hiring Stages Where You Should Watch Out For Bias
Hiring is one of the levers most easily moved when aiming for equality within the workplace. Removing bias from the process is a must. Aside from the moral obligation employers have to strive toward equality in the workplace, compelling evidence shows a diverse workforce is a successful workforce.
6 Qualities to Seek and Nurture in New Team Members
If you are a new business owner or entrepreneur, you are likely to be creative and willing to take a risk, and you probably assume that most potential team members have the same mindset. Unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone has that mindset, and one of your toughest jobs is to find the right hires to make your business a success.