Leadership skills
How To Motivate A Happy, Productive Workforce
A happy employee is a productive employee, but what does it take to create an enjoyable work culture? Mathilde Collin is the co-founder and CEO of Front, a San Francisco based company in business since 2013. Front offers an inbox for teams that replaces tools like Outlook, Gmail and instant messaging.
How to Manage a Multigenerational Workforce
As Generation Z (those born in 1995 and onward) enter the workforce, businesses may soon have employees from four to five different generations working for them. Members of each generation have their own work styles, values and communication preferences. Resulting conflict from these differences stresses the need for intergenerational harmony in promoting an efficient work environment.
14 Leadership Lessons To Learn From CEO Successes (And Failures)
The news is filled with articles about well-known business CEOs. Sometimes you hear about their successes, but often, it's their failings that can teach the most valuable lessons.
As a company leader, seeing a fellow leader's actions scrutinized, potentially leading to negative personal and professional consequences, can fill even the most optimistic person with dread. However, these widely-read stories often contain wisdom that can help you to develop as a leader.
Below, there are some key takeaways you can learn about business management from the successes and failures of other CEOs.
Critical Thinking Is the Skill Many Leaders Lack
There is an essential skill all successful entrepreneurs need, and should look for in new employees, yet is often missing in organizations. And that skill is critical thinking.
Why the Best Entrepreneurs Have Employees Who Disagree With Them
You may have the highest respect for the late Steve Jobs. But would you have ever dared to disagree with him?
Five Qualities Leaders Need in the Modern World
Any leader who wants to avoid being made obsolete will have to adapt to the times
How to Have a Great First Week as a New Boss
Build confidence in yourself to succeed during your first week.
4 Causes of Employee Demotivation (and HR Solutions to Overcome Them)
You Overcome Employee Demotivate When You Take Preventative Actions
Management Tip: Small Things Make A Big Difference
As a manager, it's tempting to want to spend time on lofty strategic issues, but the reality is it's often the small stuff that makes a big difference in your employees' day-to-day experience of work, engagement, and loyalty.
Why Employee Loyalty Isn't What It Used to Be and What You Can Do About It
It's not that workers are less loyal today – there are more choices for workers, more technological solutions, and more workers want to work on their terms