The most common challenge I hear from leaders these days revolves around the ongoing struggle with how to support their employees’ well-being during a prolonged pandemic, virtual work, and constant change. Even though most companies have doubled down on employee wellness offerings like flexible work arrangements, mental health support, virtual wellness programs, meditation and mindfulness webinars, etc., leaders are still looking for additional ways to provide their employees meaningful support. The good news is that even during this extended period of challenge, there are things leaders can do to continually support employee well-being. Let’s explore how it’s done.
Leadership Empathy
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” —Maya Angelou
One of the keys for leaders to effectively demonstrate empathy is having a clear understanding of their employees’ needs for well-being, psychological safety, and engagement. Self-Determination Theory tells us that people have three innate psychological needs that act as essential nutrients for psychological health, well-being, and motivation. These universal psychological needs are rooted in our most basic social needs as humans. They are Autonomy, Relatedness, and Competence (ARC).
Autonomy – Need to be in control of one’s own behavior and goals.
Relatedness – Need to feel a sense of belonging and security in relationships.
Competence – Need to be able to master the challenging tasks of one’s life.
Leaders must have a clear understanding of the key drivers for employee well-being and motivation before they can effectively assess how those needs are being met.
Quality Questions
Quality Questions promote thoughtful reflection about the issue at hand. These types of questions help others feel included, respected, and safe.
As a leader, the only way to understand your employees’ needs for well-being, psychological safety, and motivation is by asking Quality Questions and listening. Employees develop trust with leaders who care about them as people. This trust can only be developed if the leader invests their time engaging team members in conversations about their perspectives, goals, and needs.
Leaders who regularly ask Quality Questions create an environment where employees feel valued and in control, which is essential for well-being. The following questions are examples of the types of Quality Questions leaders can ask to better understand how to support their employee’s ARC needs.
Autonomy Questions
- Do you feel you have the appropriate level of input and decision-making regarding your current work/project?
- What work arrangement do you need to be successful during this time?
- What areas of your work would you like to have more influence and input on decision-making?
Relatedness Questions
- What can I do to support you at this time?
- How are you staying connected to your other team members?
- What are your career aspirations and development goals?
- What do you need more of from me? / What do you need less of from me?
Competence Questions
- How clear are you about your priorities and work goals at this time?
- What aspects of your role would you like to do more of in the future?
- How can we work together for you to do your best work?
NOTE: Taking the time to ask questions does not stop leaders from sharing their perspectives about the situation; it just means that they choose to ask questions and understand their employee’s views before sharing their own.
Benefits Of Quality Questions
Developing an environment and relationships that foster employee well-being doesn’t happen by accident. Leaders have to regularly ask their employees Quality Questions so they can have a clear understanding of how to best support each employee’s unique needs. A leader that asks Quality Questions provides their employees the following benefits for positive well-being.
- Having input in deciding how work gets done
- Freely expressing ideas and opinions
- Providing opportunities to control their work situation
- Feeling heard and valued by the leader
- Connecting their work to broader goals
- Feeling understood by the leader
- Providing a safe space for professional development
- Demonstrating confidence in their ability to resolve challenges
- Enabling a sense of accomplishment from their job
Employee well-being is important at all times but its’ importance has been magnified during the last year. What are your leaders doing to support your employee well-being during these challenging times?