The One Thing That Will Truly Inspire Your New Hires

Let’s face it, getting your ideal talent hired and onboarded is a time-consuming and expensive process. But getting the onboarding right is critical because if you don’t, you risk losing the employees you worked so hard to hire.

According to Employee Benefit News, it costs about one third of an employee’s annual salary when you lose a good hire. And even if you don’t lose your talent, your onboarding process should have a big impact on employee engagement so that you’re getting the best results from the people you retain. Lack of engagement is costly to your business. According to one study done by Gallup, the price tag for low engagement goes beyond just turnover and recruitment. The study revealed that actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450 billion to $550 billion per year.

On the positive side, the Gallup study found that “organizations with high levels of engagement yield benefits beyond just the happiness of their employees: The stock value has higher earnings per share, and the businesses experience 22 percent higher profitability, 21 percent higher productivity, 10 percent higher customer engagement, 25 percent to 65 percent lower turnover and 37 percent lower absenteeism.”

The critical part of the hiring process comes after the contract is signed and your new hire is ready to start. As with most things, first impressions matter, so the onboarding of that employee occurs at a crucial moment. After all, it’s their real first impression of what it means to be a part of your organization’s brand.

So how do you create the right environment for employees to prosper through your onboarding programs?

Focus on their personal brand. That’s right: their brand, not the company’s.

Sounds counterintuitive. After all, isn’t onboarding all about getting the talent up to speed on the company brand? Isn’t the goal of new hire orientation to accelerate your new crop’s understanding of company policies, systems and processes?

Sure, that’s an important part of the onboarding regimen, but it’s not the most important part, and it’s not the part to lead with, according to research done by Dan Cable, Francesca Gino, and Bradley Staats. Their research showed that onboarding should focus on encouraging authentic self-expression. “Entering an organization offers people a rare chance to make a fresh start in a new social setting,” the authors of the study observed. “It’s an extraordinary opportunity to negotiate one’s identity with new colleagues. And our research shows that it can be powerful, motivating, and even addictive to become known by others as the person you are when you are at your authentic best.”

That means, when you help your newest talent uncover their personal brand and find ways to integrate it into what they do, you set them on a path of self-initiative and give them permission to integrate their best talents into what they do and how they do it. “The research found that shaping entry processes around individual, rather than organizational, identity has beneficial effects on employees’ attitudes at work, such as their engagement and job satisfaction, and it also reduces turnover and enhances performance.”

In the study, Cable, Gino and Staats noted that “authentic self-expression isn’t just important because it makes us feel better: When new hires introduce their authentic selves to their organization, both they and their employer perform better.” Their research shows that “when employees enter into relationships with others who recognize and verify their authentic self-views, they are more likely to share information and collaborate with colleagues, resulting in greater productivity. And when employees feel they can bring both their heads and their hearts to work, innovation and creativity thrive, and customers notice that employees authentically care about them.”

To turn your onboarding program from corporate centric to new-hire centric, while adding humanity to business, do this:

Focus first on personal brand discovery.

Help your people uncover their unique gifts so they can see how they can fit into your organization and drive value for their career and your company. Give them the mandate to integrate their authentic, differentiated selves into their new organization. Building a personal branding module into your onboarding curriculum will help keep the focus on your people, not the organization.

Help them tell their story.

As new hires, they are going to meet a lot of new people. Their ability to build relationships with those people starts with their first impression. When they know who they are and can confidently express their brand to those they meet, they start those relationships on a positive and powerful path. Help your people get clear on their brand story, write their bio and craft their elevator pitch.

Teach them how to create their digital brand.

First impressions are formed online more often than in-person. Your people will be googling their new colleagues to learn about them (even if you have a robust intranet), likely before ever meeting them. Help your new hires translate their real personal brand (which you helped them define and describe) for the digital world. Build a program around LinkedIn—guiding them in how to build a stellar profile. And if your mindset is stuck in the “LinkedIn is the place you go when you’re looking for a job,” replace that with “LinkedIn is the place our people go to forge new relationships, learn best practices, deliver their first impression and do their jobs better.”

Encourage them to become digital brand ambassadors.

When your people commit to supporting your company’s communications goals by sharing relevant content with their connections, two great things happen. First, they help your company expand its visibility and credibility in the marketplace. Second, they get more deeply connected to what’s happening in your company, and they want to express their connection and loyalty. Give them the tools they need to be a steward of your company brand in their own way.

When you focus on helping your new hires unearth and live their personal brand, you unleash the best your talent has to offer, putting your workforce in a unique position to make valuable contributions with high levels of engagement.

Source: Forbes


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