Tens of thousands of organizations across the country are now working entirely remotely, many with great success. Businesses are slowly coming to the realization that working remotely isn’t just a necessary, temporary measure, but might be something desired long-term by their workforces. Many have reported that productivity is on the rise and some staff may be less than happy to give up the freedom and flexibility of remote working once this is all over.
However, for HR departments, the challenge right now lies in monitoring employee wellbeing. Remote working, while for some is a blessing, isn’t for everyone. The sudden upheaval isn’t something that most employees could have been prepared for, nor is it a choice that they have made for themselves. Rather, it is one that has been thrust upon them and, as such, not everyone is feeling the same about the sudden transition.
Monitoring Matters
Back in the good old days (two months ago), it was common to hold evaluation meetings weekly, biweekly or sometimes monthly to assess how employees are feeling about their role and their work in general. They prove exceptionally valuable as it’s frequently the case that topics and themes that are given as feedback aren’t just feedback. More often than not they have already become talking points around the office and are surely being discussed, not only with other employees but with people outside the organization, too.
Since everyone’s work-life has been tipped on its head, evaluations like these have become an afterthought. Employers taking their foot off the gas in this respect is quite ironic, as the importance for managers to have their fingers on the pulse of employees’ experiences and expectations has never been more critical, despite the newfound challenges in doing so.
While lockdown continues in many countries around the world, methods of evaluating employee wellbeing are being forced to evolve. If they want to stay ahead of the curve, companies and, more specifically, individual teams need to get into a rhythm of continuous feedback. That doesn’t mean catching up with employees once a week, twice a week, or even every day. It means having a system in place where staff can give business leaders ongoing assessments of the challenges they’re facing in real-time while not in the office.
Subtle But Effective
While this is all still new territory, staff are facing unforeseen challenges every day as they get to grips with the changing work landscape. This type of continuous feedback system is both important and highly useful because it gives employers visibility on what matters to the staff on the ground.
Through continuous feedback, managers can easily assess employees’ pain points and evaluate whether any of their concerns requires a reactive response. Not only does this ensure that staff are feeling listened to, it enables team leads to implement change at a granular level, tailoring to each team or individual employee’s specific needs. Crucially, what comes from this, is that employee wellbeing is kept a top priority during a time when it could easily slip off the radar.
As an aside, continuous feedback often serves a dual purpose, working to improve motivation within teams. By simply checking in with staff on how they’re feeling, what’s not working or what requires improvement, it not only allows a deeper understanding of the typical working day of each employee but also offers a chance to implement changes that can provide a springboard for staff who are looking to do their job, just with fewer hurdles to jump over, to get the assistance they need.
Since the entire employee experience is multi-faceted, organizations should look for feedback across all areas of the business. These can include the applicant experience, the recruitment experience, as well as the employee and advocate experiences. With the information collected from all these key areas, businesses can use this data to improve the key element of employee happiness, which ultimately comes down to meaningful work. The data that’s collected from a continuous feedback system enables organizations to identify what might be killing motivation and helps develop strengths within the workforce.
So what should employers ask their staff during lockdown? Here are some examples:
- Have you found a routine, or is a lack of routine causing you stress?
- How do you feel about the way communication has changed and the new ways the team is collaborating?
- Do you feel alone or do you still feel socially engaged with your colleagues?
- Have you managed to separate your work life from your personal life?
All of these are simple but effective ways to engage with employees and find out the challenges they are facing during this time.
One important thing to remember is that after gathering feedback from staff, the feedback loop should always be closed off. This means that leaders must communicate back to their teams any changes that are taking place as a result of their feedback. This isn’t just a simple courtesy, but reinforces the power of the individual to effect change and demonstrates the effectiveness of the system on all levels.
Expectations For The Future
Once the pandemic is over and the world begins to put itself to rights, there will likely be a dramatic shift in attitudes, from both employers and employees. It is expected, by that point, that remote working will have been in place for quite a significant period of time and, for many, working from home will have become the new normal. In addition, it will have become a uniquely shared experience by not only everyone within the organization, but within thousands of other organizations globally. As a result, many are expecting remote working practices to be continued long after this lockdown period ends.