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Search found 465 resumes chief accountant x at Binh Thuan x , Ho Chi Minh x

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Resume title Experience year Salary Location Lastest update
Nhân Viên Thực Hiện Dự Án ( Event Activation & Sản Xuất Chương Trình )
Degree: College | Current level: Experienced | Age: 34
1 years 4,0 - 5,0 tr.VND Ho Chi Minh
An Giang
Binh Duong
over 11 years ago
Kinh doanh/ Chăm sóc KH/ Đối ngoại/ Account
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 39
3 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh over 11 years ago
Nhân viên tài chính kế toán tín dụng (Accounting / Finance)
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 35
1 years Negotiable Binh Duong
Dong Nai
Ho Chi Minh
over 11 years ago
Nhân Viên Kế Tóan - Tài Chính/Accountant
Degree: College | Current level: Experienced | Age: 41
2 years 4,0 - 6,0 tr.VND Ho Chi Minh over 10 years ago
Nhân viên hành chánh nhân sự / Administration Officer/ Admin Staff/ Academic Support Staff
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 34
1 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh
Dong Nai
Binh Duong
over 11 years ago
Accountant,nhan vien tai chinh tin dung, nhan vien van phong.
Degree: College | Current level: Experienced | Age: 44
1 years Negotiable Binh Duong
Binh Thuan
Ho Chi Minh
over 10 years ago
Accountant, thu ky van phong, nhan vien hanh chinh
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 49
2 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh over 10 years ago
Financial Investment Analyst / Finance Assistant/ Bank Teller/ Accountant, Kế toán, Tư vấn đầu tư tài chính
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 34
2 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh over 11 years ago
en 5.3 Supply Chain Manager position in Supply chain Department in a professional company where I could explore and contribute activities.
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Manager | Age: 50
13 years 2,500 - 3,000 USD Ho Chi Minh over 11 years ago
en 8.2 Managing teams of Programmers / Developers / Software / IT *Writing English articles / Curriculum / Class activites * Teaching English / Software / Nutrition / Chinese / Japanese / Swimming / Massage
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Manager | Age: 55
21 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh over 11 years ago
Accouting Team Nhận Làm Sổ Sách, Báo Cáo Thuế, Quyết Toán Thuế Với Chi Phí Hợp Lý
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 39
3 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh over 11 years ago
en 6.8 Supply Chain Specialist / Import-export staff/ accountant
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 35
2 years Negotiable Ha Noi
Ho Chi Minh
Ba Ria-VT
over 11 years ago
Nhân Viên Tài Chinh-Kế Toán (Financier-Accountant)
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 34
No experience Negotiable Ho Chi Minh over 11 years ago
3.1 Bank staff, financial and investmental analysis, Accountant //Nhân viên Ngân Hàng, Phân tích tài chính, đầu tư tài chính, Kế toán
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Experienced | Age: 36
1 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh
Binh Duong
over 11 years ago
en 7.5 Trợ lí Media/Biên Tập Viên/ Nhân Viên Quan Hệ Công Chúng/ Tổ Chức Sự Kiện/ Thông dịch viên/Account Executive/ copywriter/ Translator/Media Assistant/Social Media Executive
Degree: Bachelor | Current level: Entry Level | Age: 34
1 years Negotiable Ho Chi Minh
Binh Duong
over 11 years ago
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